March 14, 2008

"शहरकी बत्ती"

आज फेरि 'इतिहासको ब्याज'ले काम चलाउनु पर्ने भयो!

यो कविता मलाई आफूले लेखेका मध्ये मन परेकाहरुको समूहमा पर्छ। २००६ को अगष्टको कुरो हो। कुनै साँझ म भान्छामा केहि गर्दै थिएँ। गर्मी थियो र झ्याल खुल्ला थियो। मेरा आँखा धेरै परको अर्को शहरमा टिल्पिल गरिरहेका वत्तीहरुमा परे र अचानक केहि तरंगहरु उठे मनमा। र ती तरंगहरुले शब्दमा ओर्लिँदा यो रुप लिए।

"शहरकी बत्ती"

हिजो गोधूलीमा
हतार हतार आफूलाई पूछपाछ पारेर
भाका गुज्रेको पाउडर
लतपत गालाभरि पोतेर
र हतार हतार
विना ऐना
ठूटे लिपस्टिकले ओठ रंगाएर
ताराहरु चम्किनुभन्दा पहिल्यै
सडक किनारमा आफूलाई उभ्याएकी थिई
पिलपिल शहरकी बत्ती,

आफ्नै गह्रौँ छायासंग बेखवर भएर
त्यै छायाँमा जोडिदैँ टुट्दै गरेका
जोडीका जोडी मायासंग बेखवर भएर
पर्दाभित्रका छायाहरुलाई
ताराहरुले जस्तै निर्विचार हेरेर
र पुलमुनि रात बलात्कृत हुँदा
एक थोपा आँशु समेत नझारेर
रातभरि ठडिएपछि
थाकेर बिहानीपख
सडकमै निदाईछे
टिलपिल शहरकी बत्ती।


  1. tilpil tilip batti haru....., short and sweet poem, thanks for sharing for your own old poems, because of this blog we can read it. For us they new and great to read.

  2. intresting poem...........

  3. haha........nice but here no electricity..के गर्ने ??

  4. Nice poem! And Thankx for the comment about the encoarchment in sagarmatha national park.

    and you got a nice blog ! keep blogging! Jai Nepal

  5. Thanks Basanta,
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    Ps: I like your Kabita ""शहरकी बत्ती""

  6. Very nice poem Basanta bro. Hope to read such poems regularly.

  7. Sameer, Thank you for liking it. I will post my poems in future too.

    Badrijee, I am happy that you found it interesting.

    aakar bro, I promise to you that I will not write such poems after coming back to Nepal:) I will write 'load shedding poems'. Actually, dark nights are more romantic than bright ones, hence arouse more poetic feelings in one:)

    sonamjee, welcome and thank you.

    tibet artsjee, thanks for your valuable comment. Your blog is great!

    Thank you Utshab bro.

    Thank you Arati.

  8. Tapaiko Pokhara bhanne kabita rakhnus na!

    "Pokhara, jaha dhaka topi laaune harulai
    Dada harule pitchhan ra kutchhan
    Bhusyaharule bhukchhan ra tokchhan... "

  9. who says that engineers are not creative toward litreture ???? Your poem has now misproofed them. Glad to see that a sweet and nice poem is emerging from that person who has no any link with SAHITYA. Your poem can give a nice punch to them who do categorize engineers far away with BHASA, SAHITYA. Really nice....poem...

  10. Gaalab, I am posting that poem now.

    Ametya, thank you for your kind words of appreciation. But I don't think myself a good writer/poet. I like to write, that's all.

  11. I didn't like Pokhara but this Batti poem is liked by me very much. May be it's because of knowing your instant writting by seeing something. And another, when i do read this Batti poem i feel like i am reading in a LAYA. Pokhara also good but not given that which gave by Batti and Your oldest GAJAL.

    Your blogsite is nice but it would be more nice if "Recent Comments" widget could be also there. After having recent comments we could know if my comment got response or not from outside. I hope you will place that widget for ease of our.

  12. Thank you for your suggestions Ametya.
    I tried some available but wasn't satisfied. My HTML/XML skills aren't good enough to customize myself.

    I will add one soon.

  13. While browsing through your old poems, I stumbled into this, and I feel lucky that I had a chance to read this grand poem. You've definitely an art to sculpt words! It's a heartfelt poem which I had imagined and I would like to know what had inspired you to write this poem. It's really an outstanding poem so far from yours. I've written only few Nepali poems and haven't got chance yet to write this kind of Nepali poem.

    Thank you for sharing! Keep up your good work!

    With Love,

  14. Dibyendrajee, thank you for your kind words.
    Nothing but city lights themselves inspired me to write this poem. I was in the kitchen that evening and I could see the city lights expanding towards the horizon. I wrote this poem instantly. This is one of very few of my poems after writing which I felt satisfied. Rest is up to you and other readers.
    Thank you once again. I hope to get your comments and suggestions in future too.
